South Korea
- Traffic police are required to report all bribes that they receive from motorists.
- Traffic police are required to report all bribes that they receive from motorists.
- All married women must get their husband’s permission if they wish to have a job.
- You must pay a fine of $600 in Thailand if you’re caught throwing away chewed bubble gum on the sidewalk.
- Cars whose license plates end with a 1 or 2 are not allowed on the roads on Monday, 3 or 4 on Tuesday, 5 or 6 on Wednesday, 7 or 8 on Thursday, and 9 or 0 on Friday.
- Clothes may not be hung to dry on Sunday.
- It is illegal to flush the toilet after 10 P.M.
- The sale of gum is prohibited.
- Cigarettes are illegal at all public places.
- Oral sex is illegal unless it is used as a form of foreplay.
- It is illegal to be drunk on Licensed Premises (in a pub or bar).
- Placing a postage stamp that bears the Queen (or King) upside down is considered treason.
- Damaging the grass is illegal.
- Licenses must be bought in order to own television sets and VCRs.
- Children may not purchase cigarettes, but can smoke them.
- You may never leave your car keys in an unattended vehicle.
- It is illegal to roam the streets wearing black clothes, felt shoes and black shoe polish on your face as these items are the tools of a cat burglar.
- It is illegal to read someone’s tarot, or give them a psychic reading as these are forms of witchcraft.
- Under Australian Communications Authority (ACA) regulations, your modem can’t pick up on the first ring. If it does, the ACA permit for your modem is invalid and there’s a $12000 fine. -
Telecommunications Act 1991
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